Angel Tattoo
Minus the farmer’s tan, Dr. Ding feels that this angel tattoo might be an appropriate selection for her 40th birthday goal, which, of course is 2 years off. For those of you just tuning in, Dr. Ding is planning on getting a tattoo, quite possibly angelic, of some sort to commemorate her 40 years on the planet. For my 50th birthday I shall most likely start wearing a festive bumper sticker on the Dingmobile (much like the Batmobile, only done entirely in fuchsia-tinted glitter and synthetic leopard print) that says “Just Ask Me About My Evil Manservant.”
The Archangel Michael is featured here; out of all the angels mentioned prior to my retirement from Catholicism, Michael is by far the most real to me, and the easiest with which to identify, what with me being a jackbooted angel thug and all for the celestial Cosa Nostra. I joke, I joke!
Seriously, prior to my Retirement, I always really liked saying the St. Michael prayer after Mass because it felt very empowering and protective to invoke that kind of intense, warrior-like spiritual presence, and who couldn’t use a little bit of cosmic bodyguarding from time to time? One of the coolest, kick-ass Catholic prayers ever, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel goes a lil somethin like this:
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickeness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray
And do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
By the Power of God,
Thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits
Who prowl about this world, seeking for the ruin of souls.
Or if you’re more inclined towards the Latin vulgate:
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in praelio. Contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur. Tuque princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo divina virtute in infernum detrude. Amen.
That poor ole devil. If you’ll look closely, you’ll see he ain’t got no pants on. Not even a carwash-style skirt like Mike! No wonder he gets vanquished all the [damn] time.
More interesting tattoo pics after the jump. Feel free to make suggestions for your favorite doctah in the Comments.
WTF is it nowadays with the young kids and clubs?
Dr. Ding feels so lackadaisical in fact, that she can’t even be bothered to capitalize the title to this post.
These UV-inked tattoos can only be seen fully under black light, such as is commonly found in clubs. As in: all up in da club. As in: please examine my tacit endorsement of the Playboy bunny corporate ethos by staring at my asscrack, conveniently located for your viewing pleasure.
While I think these tats are really neat-looking, they make me wonder just how much time their wearers are spending all up in the club, as it were. If you’re spending such a significant amount of your waking life listening to Hattaway remixes and doing Jell-O shots that you think a UV-ink tattoo thisclose to your poop chute is a super fantastic way of expressing your cultural/artistic interests, well…do you really want to advertise that?
Or perhaps there’s something Dr. Ding isn’t understanding about the clubbing lifestyle nowadays.
Why, back in MY day, we’d Dep gel our hair into spikes, put our best combat boots on and go slam-dancing. Not a lot of glamour there.
And no buttcracks either.
Perhaps I shouldn’t be so hasty. After all, wouldn’t it be cool to be a radiologist and have your whole body all tatted up like this?
The Great Tattoo Dilemma
Dr. Ding has noted recently the uptick of interest in tattoo-themed apparel, and has been keenly observing same on sites such as Etsy and Ed Hardy.
Which brings me back to the age old question: what kind of tattoo should I get when I turn 40?
Suggestions? Bear in mind that I’m a major nerd. But…I’m not quite as nerdy as the person pictured above.
Image source
Back in the day when Dr. Ding worked in prison, she was duly impressed by the variety and workmanship of tattoos therein beheld. Since that time, she’s been obssessed with getting a tattoo, but hasn’t been able to decide on a design.
Tattooing goes back many thousands of years and is a pan-cultural phenomenon. Its purposes are many, but one of the most ancient is to ensure that at the time of death, the Powers That Be can identify the spirit of the deceased by his or her tattoo markings which basically signify something like “This End Up” to whatever divine being was to swoop down from the heavens and carry the spirit from the human body along its journey to the afterlife or, alternatively and perhaps stereotypically, to the nearest Ozzfest.