Lordy Lordy Look Who’s 40
That’s right, you’ns. Dr. Ding is turning 40 tomorrow and I couldn’t be happier. Why? Read on, my gentle and very sexy readers.
1. Finally, I will have a smokescreen for my pottymouthed, irreverent and curmudgeonly behavior. People will just go “Oh, it’s probably just the perimenopause talking” and leave it at that, which then allows me to continue my bid for global domination unfettered by things like decorum. Or, quite possibly, a job.
2. I will be squarely in the zone of negative a-fuck-giving. I’ve been teetering between Not Caring One Whit about what others think and Not Giving A Tinker’s Damn, but rollin’ with the 4-0 heaves me into some hippy-zen kind of mental state where I’m all cool with letting the stream of life, like flow on by me, man. Wow. It’s just so….there, you know?
3. According to the ancient ways of my people* turning 40 entitles me legally to go swanning around whenver I feel like it while demanding that people pay homage by throwing glitter and the occasional set of rhinestone eyelashes.
4. Most people don’t know this, but being out of one’s 30s automatically imbues one with deep mystical wisdom, effortless grace, and the sudden ability to perform the Electric Booglaoo. Truth. Behold:

*Women who unabashedly adore drag queens, 1980s nighttime soap opera wardrobes, and pretty much anything with a reflective surface.
Etsy: QueenBodacious |
Breakin’ is so awesome.
Happy Birthday! 40 is the new 30 and you don’t look a day over 25. I hope its the best yet!
Now that’s how you do it, people. That’s how you lie to Dr. Ding. Loves it.
Happy Birthday you gorgeous diva you! I can’t believe it. I hope you have a wonderful day. Hope you are planning to do something fun. I am putting a package in the mail tomorrow.
Aw thanks Gail E. Poo! I am planning on eating a whole big mess of gluten-free, dairy-free chocolate cupcakes I made yesterday for this here o-ccasion. Also, dinner at Hollywood. Also, a nap. I gotta work all day, but I’m going to wear something sparkly.
A package? In the mail? For moi???
What is it what is it what is it what is it what is it? Gimme a hint. You know how I get.
Happy Birthday, you amazingly hot Goddess. You bring laughter and joy into the world.
My 40 began the era of “Don’t give a good god damn.”
Happy Birthday!
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dr. Ding I totally would have worn my rhinestone eyelashes in honor of you today if I was a little more ‘with it’.
Hope it is a good one!!
Turbo!!!!! I only had the *biggest* crush on him. No lie. I even still remember his real name, Michael Chambers, and am now having fond flashbacks of what stalking USED to be like before the Interwebs. Awww . . . memories really don’t get much more Rockwellian than that.
Thanks for that, I love how *I* get a gift even though it is your birthday. However I must say that I can’t believe you suggested that Ali lied!! Breakin’ was completely awesome - I was all up in that shizz back in the day. Who wasn’t?!?!
Happy, Happy Birthday Ding! I’ll be sure to carry around some extra glitter for the next time I see you.
welcome, welcome sparkly drag-loving ding…to the greatest decade of your life (so far).
hey, did you get your ecard. check your email! check your email!
i, for one, am now fully ensconced in the era of not giving a rusty fuck. c’est magnifique!
honest to beejeezus ding, the last two brilliant comments i posted here have evaporated into thin air. i’m very concerned. do you have an epiphenita filter?
Jenny: I am blushing. And um tooting a little, frankly.
Thank you.
Jim: Well put my good sir.
Katie: You’re plenty “with it” which reminds me of my mother using that expression, complete with air quotes back when I was in Jr. High, kvetching about my moonboots. Also: thanks for the hypothetical rhinestone eyelash-wearing!
Jamie: I hath unleashed thy inner Electric Boogaloo.
Turbo! Wow. You amaze me with your awesome knowledge of the arcane lore of the cast of this movie.
Also: I will be expecting glitter next time we meet!
Mommiebear: thanks kiddo!
Epiphenita: I do not know WTH happened there while you were consigned to comment hell…but welcome back. Also: can I use “I don’t give a rusty fuck” now without infringing on your copyright to that phrase? For you see I love it so.
Wow. I turned 40 in September and I have clearly not been taking advantage of its advantages. Excuse me while I go find glitter and A Proper Attitude.
Cuz L: I am all talk. I never could decide on a suitable tattoo. :/
Vikki: Indeed!