My Favorite Video EVAR
Dr. Ding is especially fond of all the twirling and spinning going on here. Enjoy.
Adorable Primate Pic
When life irritates the ever-living fuck out of Dr. Ding, she gorges herself on cute animals, having been able to resist goggies, lolcats, and now ZooBorns for only so long.
E voilà!
In other news: GIANT NIPPLES.
Y’all. I Forgot To Blog And Shit.

Watch out for me big shillelagh!
Dearest darlingest readers. I totally forgot about po ole AskDrDing. You see, after our move to Denver I went on my third cruise two weeks after. Then I worked at my new job for a couple weeks, and was off to the east coast to reune with college friends at a lake cabin in the New Hampshire woods. We’ve had houseguests galore staying, most recently my sainted Irish Ma, who presented me with the family shillelagh, which is matrilineally bequeathed. We’ve also been delighted to meet up with various friends passing through Denver for brunches at Steubens. More on that later.*
So y’all better watch out for ye olde shillelagh. No longer will I cut a bitch, but rather smite a bitch. For real. This thing is no joke. I promised Ma I’d use its powers both wisely and well.
Let’s see, let’s see, what else? Oh yes! MANY forces have been conspiring lo these last months to keep me from my appointed bloggy rounds here. Let’s review:
Freakin’ loldogs. I started and now I can’t stop. Their antics and expressions are just so fetching I can’t look away. It’s like some kind of lolProzak mixed with a perfect vodka martini.
Dog the Bounty Hunter: He and his giant mullet of power are back! I can only assume Dog got hisself some kind of counseling to help him with his racist issues, because A&E is filming more new episodes than I can keep track of. Sometimes I strain towards the TV screen to try to get nail decorating tips from Beth Chapman because her nails are like the Brigadier General of the fake fingernail army. I love this show because the way the Chapman family sweet-talks and pimps around these jacked-up know-it-all felons in such a therapeutic way that by the time they roll up to the jail sallyport they’re crying and hugging and talking to Jesus. All while swearing and smoking. I LOVE that heartstrings shit. That’s a former criminal (Dog) using his powers for the forces of good, a concept that I spent a number of years trying to impart to inmates in my penitentiary programs and groups. Yes.
Ghost Hunters: A now-classic show featuring two Roto-Rooter plumbers by day, researchers of the unknown at night. They all have strong East Coast accents, which I LOVE. The chief investigators, Grant and Jason, are basically kind, hardworking fellas, family men who happen to dig running around every weekend in a big white van full of gobs of tech equipment, in search of physical evidence of ghosts. They’ve assembled a motley crew that has changed in lineup due to interpsonal conflicts over the last few seasons. There’s a little bit of that kind of drama to give it a human feeling, but it doesn’t interfere with the actual ghost hunting, and believe me, there are plenty of scary ghostie moments.
Ghost Adventures: This is like Ghost Hunters on steroids and about 50 less IQ points for the group; I keep yelling at the TV for the head investigator to deflate himself whenever he struts around as if flexing his guns is going to draw out the ghosties. Yeesh. “Deflate. DE-FLATE I said!” is a frequently-heard comment from me. But does he hear me? No, he does not. The show has to be about 95% faked, so when something terrifying and non-faked happens, like a suddenly tippy rocking chair, these 3 hard dudes run around like little preschoolers with a load in ther drawers. And none of them seem to have a sense of humor. But it’s pretty fun to watch anyway as they yell and bulge out their neck veins, and lock themselves into morgue drawer and then yell some more.
Silversmithing: When I was 22 years old, the day I arrived at gradual school I opened up a gift my great-aunt had sent along with me. It recommended making a list of all the things you want to do, see, accomplish, experience, etc in your life. So I assiduously began to crank out a list, at the top of which was Learn Silversmithing.
18 years later I fulfilled that dream. I’d already worked through several of the other ones, like playing with dolphins, going on a cruise, travelling to Ireland, finishing gradual school, having a meaningful career where I get to be of service, adopting a dog, finding a terrific relationship. But that silversmithing one would nag at me…when I had the time to do it, I didn’t have the money. And then years later when I had the money, I had no time in which to pursue it. Finally, at the end of June I bit the bullet and took a 2-day course up in Estes Park, CO. It was FABULOUS.
There’s more, but that’s plenty for now. I think I gotta kinda ease back into this here blog situation like an old man getting into a bathtub.
Aah, that’s better.
<fart bubbles>
*Really, here’s all you need to know: Steubens has fried corn. And delightful bacon and ham. Ooh and caramelized French toast. And lots of hipsters, but they’re small so don’t worry.
Adorable Primate
It occurred to Dr. Ding recently that there have been not nearly enough adorable primate pictures here at AskDrDing as of late. My Evil Manservant Jeebes has been busily preparing several specimens for your viewing pleasure, but alas has retreated forthwith and posthaste to his procrustean lair, wherein he is doubtless devising some sort of abominable eigenplot in order to further befoul the spiritual æthers of humanity, thus leaving me to decide which primate is most suitable. The fucker.
In diametric opposition to Jeebes’ skullduggering distate for forming relationships with other beings, I’d like to point out just how sweet the backstory behind this picture is by referring you here. We could all learn a thing or two from this pair about tolerance, peaceable coexistence and the vital importance of healthy relationships. Well, that stuff, plus pooping and peeing with devil-may-care abandon. I’m just saying.
Dr. Ding 1, Dr. Phil 0
Well well well.
Looky looky.
Seems like somebody got a case of the badly frozen bunghole and didn’t show up for the Beatdown In H-Town.
Hah! This means Dr. Ding wins. Bitches up!
2007 Reflections, 2008 Dreams
Dr. Ding never was too good at New Year’s resolutions; I make them all backwards and counterintuitive-like.
Dr. Ding once made a resolution to eat a LOT more chocolate, and well looky looky…it’s good for you now! Cause and effect, to be sure.
Superheroine JeAnne posted this very clever set of questions from which I’m cribbing here. Rock on, girl.
1. What did you do in 2007 that you had never done before? - Took two cruises with a very dear friend. Swam with dolphins, a lifelong dream. Went to a conference in Laguna Beach. Started blogging in earnest. Joined Twitter and learned everyone goes out a LOT more than I do.
2. What countries did you visit? - Mexico, Jamaica, Grand Cayman Island, California.
3. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007? - More free time. More naps. Getting back into sitting meditation. Regular workouts. More dates with The Beyonce. A truly stellar blog logo. Dingish t-shirts on sale in CafePress.
4. What was your biggest achievement of the year? - Tie: 1) Started investing money. 2) Completed 20 miles of the Avon Walk in Chicago, June 2007.
5. Did you suffer any illness or injury? - Couple bouts of flu. Epicondylitis. Racked my left Achilles. Two vein surgeries. Ew.
6. What was the best thing you bought? — Anything on Etsy, especially Surlyramics’ stuff. A Dremel set for The Beyonce. Memory-foam mattress topper.
7. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder? - Happier, but tireder.
8. Did you fall in love in 2007? -- It seems like every other week I find out something entirely new and absolutely wonderful about The Beyonce. Despite his peculiar insistence on keeping the kitchen counters neat and clean, I remain In Love with him. I can’t help it. He heals me. Well, that and he’s a stone fox.
9. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007? — Vintage 1987 drag queen-meets-former-GothPunk shitkicker, quietly supported by nerd glasses and Ex Officio underpants, and a team of artisans. Plus several pair of sweats from Target, black Uggs, and a penchant for t-shirts from The Mill and The Salt Dogs.
10. What do you wish you’d done more of? What didn’t you get in 2007 that you want for 2008? - I wish I’d gone back to the gym after my 2 surgeries, because now I’m very out of the habit. In 2008, I have the following goals and objectives:
1) Get married. To The Beyonce. In a FIERCE wedding dress. Not sure yet what rhymes with husband.
2) Figure out what rhymes with husband.
3) Plan a trip to Tibet, to take place within the next few years. I’ll be going with Dr. Kat and anyone else who dares accompany us.
4) Get up every day at 6 a.m. to meditate, pray to The Inner Silver Go-Go Boots of GirlJesus, do a lil’ yoga, walk.
5) Remain injury-free when I get back to weight lifting this Spring, and further, if I do get injured, find a neon-pink sparkly cold pack so that the whole experience is more festive.
6) Finish writing Drag Queens From Outer Space! Or: How I Learned To Love Managed Care™
7) Have a costume party for Halloween like I did back in the 1990s where everyone has to (more…)