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O Zephyr Winds……

askdrding | Good Stuff | Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Dr. Ding is officially thrilled.

Her childhood idol, the mighty mighty Isis, is now on DVD.

Hells yeah!

An early comic book nerdette, I adored those mid-1970s TV superhero shows like Shazam, Wonder Woman and Oh Mighty Isis! It was Isis, however who inspired my 3rd grade Halloween costume, which basically was a white tennis dress hand-made by my mother, which I wore paired with vinyl platform go-go boots and some serious attitude. Added to black eyeliner and gold braid festoonery, there I was, The Goddess Incarnate.

They just don’t make television superheroines like they used to. Where are they hiding? When do our young girls get to see ancient and powerful female deities out there fighting evil by cracking open multiple cans of whoopass? Zena was cool, and of course we can’t open a dialogue on this subject without mentioning Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but I’m talking about something a bit more rooted in history and legend.

More to the point, I want to be my own superheroine. I’m working on a novel currently with a padonkadonk-whipping heroine so I can live out this fantasy sans go-go boots, which were pretty itchy if memory serves.

As a professional afflicter of the comfortable, I’d really like to see more women (and men, too) become the hero in their own life. Taking charge. Speaking truth to power. Setting goals and staying on course. Not getting distracted by stuff like crappy relationships or death rays or eating disorders. Daring to dream. Believing in themselves.

Are you with me?

Etsy: QueenBodacious


  • does your mom have pictures?

    Comment by Nathan — September 26, 2007 @ 10:02 am
  • hey, you should see if you can have a weblink to on your website. he’s an auto repair guy. i just thought it would be cool. and yes, this has nothing to do with nothing, but isn’t that something?

    Comment by Nathan — September 27, 2007 @ 2:29 pm

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