I haven’t been on this thing in a minute. Mostly because the few times I’ve gotten on here and opened a page, the intro lyrics to the old Highlander TV show would play in my head, in their entirety. This would then lead to a lot of nostalgia for the 1990s, but not, I repeat NOT for the high-waisted pants so popular then. Oh my Lort, no.
My life has changed considerably since the heyday of AskDrDing. For starters, I moved from Houston back to Denver, and changed my career path after toiling away in various institutional-type settings, opening up a small private practice and returning to teaching. I broke it off with the Beyoncé. I had a sprinkler system installed in the backyard. I lost a bunch of weight in 2011 but then, yay, found part of it in 2012 when my Achilles got all bitchazz on me. Learned they still make Big League Chew.
In 2012 I bought the vehicle of my dreams, a janky, to’ up 2004 Land Rover Discovery. I attempted and failed at 2 more NaNoWriMos. Traveled a bunch. My beloved Pooparella became ill with cancer and died in 2013. I stopped writing in the 3rd person. Reconnected with many dear friends from the olden times. Learned to cook things other than Tater Tot casserole. By which I mean salads. Shacked up with a wonderful new fella, who I have yet to nickname.
Rediscovered* my spirituality. Bought new furniture. Started doing Tarot card readings again. Made a fuckton of apple butter. Endured the deaths of three people close to me. Mourned intensely. Resumed having visions and dreams. Made new friends. Learned that I’d been wearing the wrong bra size for 20 years. Realized I no longer feel the need to hide or qualify my belief in the transcendence as well as the immanence of the soul. Became addicted to True Detective and Words With Friends. Bought a steam vacuum and used that fucker.
It’s a rich tapestry, people. I’ve started putting together some YouTube videos. I’ve got other projects in the works as well.
No more butlers. Or careless talk of pushpins. Or bids for world domination.
It’s all about healing the world, baby. Immanentizing the eschaton.
Things there will still be: drag queens, glitter, profanity, sarcasm, toots, incisive commentary on the nature of human existence and whatnot.
Stay up, players. Send me your questions. Ding out.
*Yas. I got some splaining to do here.

And just for fun:

The video is private!
OH MAH GAH! #fixitjesus j/k I fixed it.
oh mah gah!
I love you. This made mah mutha flippin day.
Dr. Ding,
What was your dog doing while you were videotaping your You Tube video? It looked possibly obscene.
Also, why isn’t there more glitter in the world? I mean really….
You haz a dirty dirty mind, Suzy! LOLOL I noticed that after the fact. The sad truth? I had buttery English muffin crumbs on my fancy sweatpants.
And I love you too! I’m glad!